Outplaced Students

Our district has a population of students who do not attend school within our buildings. However, we are still responsible for these students' educations and will be the district issuing final transcripts and awarding graduate status. These students are enrolled in the school they would attend, should they return from their placement. Therefore, we record these students' information in a slightly different way so that they can be included or excluded from working within PowerSchool Admin. This article describes the procedure for identifying a student as Out of District Placed "ODP" and how to search for said students. All questions regarding this student population should be directed to the Special Education Department.

Identifying a Student as ODP

  1. Search for the student
  2. On the Demographics page, locate the fields for Home Room and Homeroom Teacher
  3. Enter the letters "ODP" in each of these fields and submit the page.
  4. Navigate to the Scheduling Setup page for the student
  5. Make sure that "Schedule this Student" is unchecked. Also check that the graduation year is accurate (this is especially important for our students who will attend for more than 4 years)

  6. Navigate to the Transfer Info page. The name of the Outplacement should be listed in the Entry Comment for the current school year.

Searching for Students who are Outplaced

  1. In the search bar, enter the following search string Home_Room=ODP
  2. This will create a selection of only Outplaced students for the current school

Exclude Students who are Outplaced

  1. In the search bar, enter the following search string Home_Room#ODP
  2. This will create a selection of only students that attend within our building.