Screen Lock allows the teacher to freeze student screens and display a custom message. This tool is available when a class session is active.

Screen Lock.png

Screen Lock replaces the student's entire screen with the selected message, and prevents usage of the device.

Screen Lock 3.png

Screen Lock can be applied to an entire class, or individual students.

To apply Screen Lock to individual students, select the students by checking the check boxes in the upper left corner of their student card prior to clicking the Screen Lock button.

To apply Screen Lock to the entire class, click the Screen Lock button with no students selected.

Screen Lock 2.png

When screen lock is active, a screen lock icon will appear in the the bottom right corner of the screen image in Thumbnail View, Tab View, or Device View.

Screen Lock 4.png

To end screen lock for one or more students, choose an individual student or the entire class, then use the Unlock button.



Screen Lock will automatically release for all students when the class session ends.