Display 1D Barcode on Visitor Badge
You can specify whether a 1D barcode is printed on the visitor badge. If the 1D barcode is printed onthe badge, the visitor can simply scan the code on their badge when signing out at the front desk orkiosk.
Perform the following steps to display the 1D barcode on the visitor badge:
- In the Main menu, select Admin.
- Scroll to the Visitor Settings grid and select Visitors.
- On the Visitors tab, navigate to the General grid.
In the Display 1D Barcode on Badge drop-down list, select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable).
Select the Allow Building Override check box if the setting can be overridden at the buildinglevel. Otherwise, clear the check box.
Click Save Settings.
Log out of Raptor and then log in to see the change.
Attached PDF has screenshots of the process as well.