Set Default Browser to Resolve Scanning, Printing or Slowness Issues

Oct 15, 2024


Knowledge Article Detail

Set Default Browser to Resolve Scanning, Printing or Slowness Issues

If you experience intermittent issues with printing, scanning or general slowness with the Raptor system, it may be due to functionality issues related to your browser.

Verify and Set Default Browser

Verify the web browser you are using. Raptor is only supported in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. If Raptor is not opening in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, perform the following steps to set the default browser: 

  1. Click the Windows Start menu, enter default app settings in the search box, and selectDefault apps.
  2. On the Default apps page, navigate to the Web browser setting and click the current default web browser.

  3. On the Choose an app dialog box, select Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Screenshots of the process are on the attached PDF.